tzZSmaslGshM2ODzKUDcTbxUvMU CPU8WNE2Z85G Eye on shopping: Golden Tips for choosing underwear (beauties only)

Golden Tips for choosing underwear (beauties only)

During all times of the day accompany us our clothes Interior wherever we go and whatever we went, even when you sleep, so they may be more clothes that we use on the clock, and therefore it makes sense to be very comfortable and suitable to our bodies, and we attach some care and attention.
Standing with the women's movement in the work of the house, shopping or working in an office. It becomes very necessary to take seriously advice in choosing underwear.

1 - a lot of girls and women are buying and wearing a lot of underwear, without thinking on this subject, usually the result may be taken from her mother or a part of clothing available in abundance in the market, or because of lower prices for some of these species.

In any case, it may be wrong, cheap clothes will be made of kinds of bad, no doubt, such as nylon, etc., and clothing available in the market are producing Chinese or production factories looking for a quick profit without regard to the quality, and perhaps you notice that during the brief period This is consumed underwear, and is replaced by another, because it is fast vulnerability.

So first advice to you: Think... Why I'll buy this particular kind of underwear?

2 - What suits you is what always offers you the best comfort, and serve you in every position of the positions of your life... For example:

Underwear made of soft cotton underwear is more that you will you like to wear, regardless of the shape... But I am careful before so that something can be true of cotton.
Try to choose a one-time buy lingerie from a particular brand, even if the price is a bit high, you may find a real difference in it.
During times of the menstrual cycle, the rubber underwear and dark color would be suitable for you certainly. Strive to be your size, and do not press on your waist or thighs so as not to cause congestion in the blood or in the skin effects.
We recommend that specialty lingerie made of satin to sleep, this kind gives the body a refreshing cooler, as it is very light on the body, and has a smooth texture suitable to your body, and will not bother you while you sleep.

3 - You must admit that some of the colors of underwear you look more beautiful than the other colors, if unable to determine which colors best for your body Leave your partner can tell you what is the best color for you.
You must have a sufficient number of underwear intended for intimate time with your spouse, make sure that the colors are appropriate, and to be bobble and with different shapes. Do not be ashamed to be a bold choice, shapes and types.
Best underwear allocated to those intimate times bold, choose a transparent, for example, or too high, or discharged from the inside.
Strive to be satin, cotton or even feathers, rubber and bitch about virtually impermeable or underwear, because it will cause you sweating, which is the latest something bargained for women in such moments.
4 - Make sure you always have a suitable place for Specialist your underwear for the times intimate, put them in a special drawer, or even in a special bag inside your closet, but being sure it is clean, with a piece of perfume inside a drawer or bag.

 choosing underwear